Bhumi aged 12 years was born in Mandawali, New Delhi. She was referred to Child Heart Foundation from another nonprofit named – Mata Bhagwanti Chadha Niketan (MBCN) a charitable school for children with disability. MBCN had informed child heart foundation about the medical condition of Bhumi and she is a child with Down syndrome.
Bhumi was screened in the free OPD in Delhi on June 2016, 2019. She was diagnosed with small Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA). She requires PDA Device closure. The estimated cost of the surgery including the post-operative care was Rs 1, 85,000.
Bhumis father worked as a driver in a private firm with a salary of Rs 1, 80,000 annually. The family is not in a position to bear the cost of the treatment. She successfully underwent her Heart Surgery at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital on 24th October 2020. She is doing fine now and has been regularly coming for the follow up screenings